Free Books On Astrology

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The free astrology eBooks posted here are classic, vintage, antique, old, and therefore very SPECIAL. Most are about 100 years old or more. They reveal hidden truths about astrology that our overly-commercialized society has watered down during the last 100 years. Our antique astrology eBooks contain glimpses of the splendor that the study of the heavens possessed in days gone by.

And lucky for you..these eBooks also contain astrology chart interpretation secrets that cannot be found anywhere else (not in any modern astrology books). You have the choice to read the eBook online right now (click on the title), or download the PDF version into your tech device of choice.

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Free Astrology eBooks:

(Click on the title to read online. The book title links to the full text (HTML). The PDF version is available if you see the PDF icon below. Some books have both an HTML and PDF version.)

His first film was GoldenEye (1995) which became the most successful Bond film since Moore appeared in Moonraker. List of james bond actors and actresses. Brosnan was hailed for his high degree of suavity, elegance, charm, and humour, which came along with some toughness and grit, traits that combined both Connery and Moore’s characteristics.

The Astrological Physitian

Shewing, How to finde out the cause and Nature of a Disease, according to the secret rules of the Art of ASTROLOGY.

By William Andrews (1656)

A Treatise on Astrology - Liber 536

Free Books On Astrology

By Aleister Crowley (1917-1918, he didn't publish it!)

An Introduction to Astrology by William Lilly

Edited by Zadkiel (1835)

Anima Astrologiae, Or A GUIDE for ASTROLOGERS

By William Lilly (1676)

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Astral Worship

By J.H. Hill, M.D. (1895)

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Everybody's Astrology

By Magnus Jensen (1922)

The Light of Egypt: Science of the Soul and the Stars, Volume II

By Thomas H. Burgoyne (1903)

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Opus Astrologicum, An Astrological WORK Left to POSTERITY


By Nicholas Culpeper (1654) Vsphere client 6.5 download.


By Claudius Ptolemy
Year: about 1900 years ago (Ancient astrology text)